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Mass Effect: Andromeda Trailer Seeks Recruits

EA and BioWare let loose a new promo trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda to recruit gamers for the Andromeda Initiative, an opt-in notification for keeping up to date with news, developments and information about Mass Effect: Andromeda.

The trailer is a CG sequence that’s quite short. It features a man and woman from in N7 armor walking on a moon with a Mass Relay being built in the far distance. You can check out the trailer below.

The trailer isn’t anything special but just a reminder that the game is due for release next year and if you want to receive e-mail notifications you can.

The link at the end of the trailer takes you to the website that asks if you want to join the Andromeda Initiative. You can enter your birthdate and e-mail address along with the location where you’re from.

The e-mail notices seem to be for possible beta news and info, where it states on the site…

“The Andromeda Initiative is currently seeking recruits. Registered recruits will be among the first contacted to receive critical mission information, special training opportunities, and will also be eligible for reward upon program completion. Orientation begins Nov. 7.”

Very interesting.

Of course, this also means EA will possibly spam your e-mail with other stuff, and you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of whether or not you want your e-mail hammered with offers from Origin, EA Access and a bunch of pre-order notifications, along with the possibility of getting some info about possible important news about Mass Effect: Andromeda.

As for the trailer… the comment section is a laugh riot. There are a lot of people in there saying that BioWare needs to bring this new Mass Effect home tight because a lot of people are worried that the game could be another Social Justice preaching session and not a real game.


We’ll see if BioWare does right by the early roots of the series or if they decide to head to the pulpit with Mass Effect: Andromeda when it launches next year for PS4 Pro, PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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