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Devil’s Third Wii U Multiplayer Servers Shut Down

Valhalla Game Studios’ B-movie inspired third-person shooter, Devil’s Third, couldn’t find a decent audience when it launched on the Wii U back in December of 2015. Reviewers lambasted the game up and down like a whipping boy on a post receiving lashes for peeping in on a convent’s shower room. Well, Nintendo decided to finally put the nail in the coffin for the game’s multiplayer on Wii U by shutting down the servers for good.

Siliconera is reporting that the servers are officially shut down. If you attempt to log into the game’s multiplayer portion on the Wii U, you’re greeted with the following screen.

The game’s multiplayer wasn’t all that bad. It was a typical third-person shooter and pretty much seemed like a poor, wacky man’s version of Metal Gear Online.

Some players who put in the time and effort to try the multiplayer out seemed to enjoy it, and the Metacritic scores were vastly disparate between what the critics thought of the schlocky shooter compared to what actual gamers thought about it. On a scale to 100, there’s nearly a 20 point difference in critics versus the gamers, with actual paying customers liking the game so much more than the prudish millennial game reviewers.

Essentially, everyone agreed that the controls were kind of stiff and the gameplay was repetitive and mediocre at times, but some gamers really enjoyed the single-player and the unique take on having a super hero Russian as the main protagonist.

You can check out some multiplayer gameplay from Best Friends Play featuring the third-person shooter on Wii U.

Anyway, that’s as close as you’ll get to playing the multiplayer of Devil’s Third. The game’s online servers are kaput. However, if you have the Japanese PC version of the game, you can still play that online… for now.

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