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NieR: Automata Demo Videos Appreciate 2B’s Skirt And Panties

It should come as no surprise that given the very shapely curvature of the protagonist’s lower half in NieR: Automata that there is now a dedicated sub-culture on YouTube providing gamers with various videos centered on different camera angles to “appreciate” the attire of 2B.

One such video from YouTube outlet Yuu Channel clocks in at six and a half minutes, featuring a focus solely on the callipygian design of 2B. The video is labeled as an appreciation” collage of 2B’s pantsu and skirt. You can check it out below.

Some of the upskirt shots are rudely interrupted by 2B’s automated response to swap the camera away or turn around so that the player can no longer fixate their gaze on her underoos.

The video even goes so far as to slow things down so everyone can appreciate the time and effort Platinum Games put into 2B and her Renaissance-quality curves.

But it doesn’t end there. YouTuber Lunis Vancroft put together a short compilation – three minutes and 33 seconds to be exact – featuring little more than 2B climbing and sliding down ladders. “Why?” you might be asking. Well, it’s better to show you than to tell you.

Lunis doesn’t just go for the standard upskirt shot of 2B, he goes for the slow-motion effect as she climbs and slides down the ladder, complete with a zoomed in camera shot. It’s like NieR: Automata: Gravure Edition.

Anyways, it was obvious this was going to be a strong focus for some people just due to the fact that the character model has such a shapely design and is wearing the kind of outfit that Britney Spears might sport on stage… though admittedly she’s actually wearing a lot more than what Britney Spears usually wears on stage.

Regardless, you can look for NieR: Automata to launch for the PlayStation and PC in 2017, starting February 23rd in Japan on PS4, followed by the North American release on March 7th.

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