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Blasphemous, New Action Adventure Game Planned For PC

Indie devs The Game Kitchen is known for their game The Last Door. Although the game is more of a point-and-click game it stands to be the polar opposite of their latest game Blasphemous. The 2D action adventure game focuses heavily on Gothic, dilapidated environments and unforgiving enemies. The game is currently set to release sometime in the future for PC and will soon gain a reveal trailer.

Yes, I know, there are a lot of games trying to copy Demon Souls or Dark Souls by having dark ominous entities, coupled with brutal combat. However, Blasphemous holds the same themes but it doesn’t seem as forced as other indie games that are inspired by the popular Souls series. Instead I’m getting Castlevania vibes from this game, which is pretty cool.

Although there is no video up for the game, like on YouTube or another video service as of this moment, there is a tweet holding a snippet of gameplay showing the nicely animated characters in Blasphemous.

The snippet of gameplay doesn’t last long, but it does show how much work the devs have put into the game, which currently has my interest. You can check out the animated GIF below.

If the combat has fluent animations throughout the rest of the game, especially with bosses and other serious encounters, I think this will be an indie game worth keeping an eye on, especially if the platforming and action sequences are just as good.

Speaking of bosses, there is an image showing a Cernunnos-like tree creature in a chapel.

Other locations are also featured on the dev team’s Twitter account that don’t look like a wasteland, and one of them includes a cold lake of shallow water with frozen bodies scattered about.

Blasphemous so far is not aimed to hit Early Access, which if it were to debut in a working condition without landing on said platform that would be pretty nice to see a small dev team launching a complete game without it following every other indie game — but that’s just me.

As of right now the art team and other devs working on the game are coming up with a trailer, so look out for that if you are interested in Blasphemous. For more information on this game you can head on over to or the team’s Twitter page.

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