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It’s First Trailer Definitely Captures Creepy Vibes Despite Pennywise’s Design

The new Pennywise clown in the 2017 remake of Stephen King’s It looks a little overwrought compared to the original Pennywise clown design from back in the 1990s. The trailer, however, is put together marvelously.

Unlike a lot of other trailers out there – such as the recent Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer – the one for It is smart, snappy and to the point.

We get an understanding of what’s going on. We get a great sense of the atmosphere that the director was gunning for, and we get the object of the kid’s obsession with the mystery of missing persons looming over the town. We even get brief snippets of Pennywise, the main villain. You can check it out below, courtesy of Kinocheck.

Now that’s how you put together a great trailer.

Cohesion, coherency and competency.

And no matter what people think about Pennywise’s design, the limited used of the clown in the trailer is the perfect way to go in order to build suspense and intrigue.

A lot of people viewing the trailer also liked what Warner Bros., put together for It in the first trailer. Now all they have to do is keep marketing the same leading up to the September theatrical run.

Many of the comments were also praising the editing for how scary and creepy it made the movie look. There’s a great use of muted colors in some scenes, along with superb cinematography. And the patient use of still shots instead of shaky cam helped give the movie that horror vibe so many other films are missing these days.

There was a bit of a consistent criticism from some viewers, and that was with Pennywise. They felt he was more like “Ronald McDonald” than a scary villain. Others felt the original, more simple design of the 1990’s Pennywise was superior, mostly for being able to capture a realistic visage of a clown while also harboring something demonic underneath.


Some people felt as if the newer Pennywise was “trying too hard”.

You can check out the image below for a comparison with the original.


I suppose the “scare” factor for both clowns is reliant on how they’re depicted in the film. The new Pennywise looks like he has some Chucky from Child’s Play tucked into his DNA, where-as the old Pennywise just looks like a real creepy clown.

So which one adds a notch of fear to your scare factor: the new clown or the old one?

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