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UK Retailer Possibly Leaked The Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date

It looks like we now know when Red Dead Redemption 2 will hit the stores and be available for purchase from Online retailers, thanks to this leaked release date from this UK website called

It could be a glitch or an error as someone put in random information just to get the link up, so take this with a grain of salt. However, if you follow the provided link and then take a look at a few other products that are listed on the website, the dates all appear to be correct and accurate. Below is a screenshot of the page which shows the release date for Red Dead Redemption 2 in both dated numbers and written letters.

Red Dead 2 Release Date

According to the web page, Red Dead Redemption 2 is scheduled to release on the 26th of September 2017 (26/09/2017), for both the PS4 and the Xbox One.

So this leaves us to believe that the September release date is accurate and the website was simply notified in advance by Rockstar to get the page set up and ready to go. To make sure the information was accurate, I browsed through a few other new release game titles on the website to see if the release dates were accurate, and everything appears to be in order and checks out.

Keep in mind that the release date for the UK is often times different from the USA release dates, so all we know for sure is that the UK will be getting Red Dead Redemption 2 on the 26th of September 2017, but we still don’t know the official USA release date because Rockstar’s official website has the release date set as an ambiguous Q3/Q4 2017, and as a result, other websites and retailers — such as Amazon, Gamestop, and Best Buy, all have placeholder release dates of either “Not Announced” or Dec 31, 2017, which is obviously the very end of the year and the end of the fourth business quarter.

If there are no major delays and everything goes according to plan, we could see Red Dead Redemption 2 this coming September. Stick around for future articles and updates as we wait for Rockstar to officially announce and confirm the release date.

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