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Battalion 1944 Closed Alpha Set To Start On May 26th

Do you like fast-paced World War II first-person shooters, but more specifically classic-FPS games? If so, publisher Square Enix and developer Bulkhead Interactive will bring Battalion 1944 to PC in the near future, and they will also release a Closed Alpha session starting on May 26th.

Unlike most AAA publicity stunts that abuse Closed Alphas, Alphas, Closed Betas or Beta tests — which is just a way to create buzz around a game to move units instead of fixing things — Bulkhead Interactive really wants player feedback to help fix Battalion 1944 before the public can consume it as a finished product.

This Closed Alpha will reflect a lot of unfinished sides of said game, but it will also be used to tweak the mechanics of gun play, map navigation, and the overall fluidity of everything gameplay related coming together. So this means that graphically the game will more than likely be an eyesore during the Closed Alpha, but the point is to fix up the mechanics and bring the gameplay quality up a notch.

Speaking of the Closed Alpha, here’s the latest note that one of the devs released on the game’s official site:

“We’ve decided to release a hype trailer to get you guys pumped for the Closed Alpha testing made by the one and only NikkyyHD, the creator of amazing frag movies such as ‘Clockwork 4’ and ‘sViix’. We hope you all enjoy this Closed Alpha announcement trailer from NikkyyHD! We all love it and we hope it made you ready to get stuck in to Battalion 1944.”

Except… the hype trailer is much like the Closed Alpha at the moment and is not working as of this writing. An update to the article will be made when the trailer is up and working. But for the moment, here’s a link to the official site to see if the “hype trailer” is visible.

Furthermore, we also learn that the devs are working hard on cooking up something interesting for gamers next week. According to the recent update note we should see the latest Battalion 1944 progress.

“Next week we will be releasing a small development update where we’ll be showing you the progress with our new third person animations & graphics tweaks! Stay tuned!”

For more information on this game you can head on over to

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