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Star Wars Battlefront 3: Legacy Mod Shows Off Upcoming Changes

Modder El Fabricio or Star Wars Battlefront 3 Legacy Mod Team just posted a new Star Wars Battlefront 3: Legacy mod update showing off the latest builds and features to come to the playable mod. SWB3:L mod is out now for PC.

Starting with some older news, the first March update preview showing what’s been in the works can be seen below in a video by El Fabricio.

Here is part of the note that explains the above video:

“Here we go again: A new update showcasing the heroes and villains of this era. This time: Full with their weapons and abilities. Okay…some of them. In my opinion the final polishing is missing and I wanted to show you something gameplay-wise.”

If you skipped the video and seek information ASAP, here is a quick rundown on the new content. All GWC Heroes are finished, bug fixes for CW Heroes and CW Units are now in play, GWC Units, HUD icons, objects and all vehicles are now finished. Planets that are being cooked up include Coruscant, Cato Neimodia and Bespin.

On to the most recent update that comes in video form showing the Rebel Alliance as well as progress made to the map Bespin – Cloud City.

A full notice that’s broken into sections (since it’s kinda lengthy) describing what is coming can be seen below.

“The Alliance side is 99% finished. Besides some bugs and graphical glitches they are (like the empire) in a fully playable state.


-The HUD is also finished.


-The three maps are being polished right now. I am still adding a few additional props to have a more “life environmental feeling” thing…and cover.


So what is the big surprise going to be, you might ask? The surprise is going to be a two-“parter”. Yes you heard right. Technically there will be two surprises. The one will be revealed as soon as some of the above are done. The second one will be….a poll. Yes, a poll. About what? You’ll know….”

The mod is still going strong and it’s likely that it won’t face any legal problems down the road; given how discreet the modder has been when seeding updates to the public to consume. If he keeps this work up we’ll likely see some mad stuff come to fruition sometime soon.

Anyway, if you want to download the mod you can by heading over to

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