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Bulkhead Interactive Will Be At E3 Promoting Battalion 1944

Square Enix and Bulkhead Interactive’s Battalion 1944 is shaping up quite well according to the devs after the FPS game went through a successful  Alpha 1.0. Well, the devs plan on shipping yet another Alpha build (2.0) come July 14-15th. This comes after Bulkhead’s attendance at this year’s E3 and ESL Cologne 2017 to help promote the FPS WW2 game.

Battalion 1944, the first-person shooter, is set to release on PC first and will later receive console variants for the Xbox One and PS4. However, all three platforms will not receive the finished build anytime soon, but a limited amount of PC players will gain access to Alpha builds of the FPS WW2 game next month.

To ease eager fans who are thirsty to play Battalion 1944, Bulkhead Interactive will be present at this year’s E3 showing the game off. This information regarding Bulkhead and Battalion 1944 making an appearance at this year’s E3, comes in by the team’s official website that reveals the above info:

“Some of the Bulkhead team will be at E3 2017 promoting the game and networking with other industry players for the week of the 9th-16th June. You’ll be able to see live updates via our developer Twitter accounts so make sure to follow @Brammertron@HowardPhilpott and @BigTunaAlex for all your Bulkhead related E3 2017 updates”.

Additionally, the devs took it a step further in explaining changes, bug fixes and attending game conventions by making a vlog video that stands to be the tenth episode in the ongoing series. You can check out the video below courtesy of Bulkhead Interactive.

As of now, Battalion 1944 has no official release date and is currently listed as “Coming Soon”. What is known is that it will release for PC first with additional console versions set to debut sometime later. Lastly, more information detailing the first-person PvP shooter set in WW2 can be found by hitting up

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