The latest Fallout 4 mods overhaul the UI and graphics of the game and brings a new bounty hunter system that stalks Sole Survivors. Bethesda’s Fallout 4 is out now and is currently playable across PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
The first mod that is up for download comes in by modder MaxG3D, the mod brings a glow or bokeh effect to lights and other bright emitting sources. You can check out the light overhaul mod below thanks to MaxG2D‘s video.
You can get this mod by heading on over to NexusMods.
The next mod offers vivid landscapes across the wasteland. Standing as version 1.8 and combining all of modder Hein84’s mods together comes “Vivid Fallout – Landscapes v1.8”. A video by Hodilton shows off one of the many mods that enhances the textures across the Commonwealth.
You can get this mod by visiting NexusMods.
The last cosmetic mod on this list comes in by modder Em4knight, which the mod itself changes the main menu background to look like The Man in the High Castle. You can check out the video by John M. showing the main menu background mod.
The mod is available for download over on NexusMods.
The last mod on this list that actually offers something to keep players on their toes, it’s the Bounty Hunter mod by Davidhalmbrenner. Certain actions performed by a player will may result in the player becoming a bounty for other NPC hunters, forcing players to have to run and hide from their aggressors. A video by Klone Wolfe showcases how the mod works.
You can get the Bounty Hunter mod by heading on over to NexusMods.
Lastly, if you want to find more mods or you like to game on PS4 or Xbox One and are in search of the above mods for said platforms, you can hit up