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Raiders Of The Broken Planet’s Antagonist Mode Lets You Troll Other Players

The multiplayer, third-person shooter, story-driven action game from MercurySteam called Raiders of the Broken Planet has been receiving developer diaries leading up to its release. The latest diary tackles the question of whether or not we really need another story-driven, multiplayer shooter.

The developer diary clocks in at six minutes, and it covers the game’s Adventure mode. Joan Amat, the game designer, and Hernan Ojuel, the gameplay programmer, talk about the design and structure of the Adventure mode.


Up to four players can partake in the co-op Adventure mode, completing story missions and progressing the narrative forward. Alternatively, if you hate playing with other people, you can tackle the story missions solo.

One thing you might notice in the image above is that there’s a tab for the “Antagonist”. This is where the game’s 4-vs-1 feature comes into play. If you want to take on the role of an antagonist, you can do so. The game will matchmake you into an ongoing game where you basically take on the role of the arch villain of the map, where you can rally troops to an area, take direct control of an enemy and attempt to kill other players, or setup flanking maneuvers and tactical positioning.

Ojuel describes it as basically allowing another player to “troll” other players, as showcased in the developer diary below.

The thing about the Antagonist mode… players won’t actually know if another player will be the Antagonist until the last minute. During the start of the mission if another player joins in on the action as an Antagonist it will alert the player team.

Unfortunately we don’t get to see how the mission plays out, but we are informed that not only will the raiders have to deal with another Antagonist raiding the mission, but there is also another faction that will be present to give players some difficulty in the mission.

Raiders of the Broken Planet seems a lot like Warframe but with the added Antagonist mode and more cut-scenes. You can learn more about the game or sign-up for the beta by visiting the official website.

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