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The Letter, Mystery-Horror Visual Novel Release Date Set For July 24th

The Kickstarted visual novel The Letter is set for release on Steam starting July 24th. The game was originally Kickstarted back at the end of 2015. My how time flies, eh? Well, the team at Yangyang Mobile have announced that they’re finishing up the final chapters of the game, cleaning up the audio for the voice acting, and implementing the icons for the achievements.

In addition to announcing the release date for the visual novel and the finalization process of the design, Yangyang also announced that once the PC version of the game has been released they will begin fulfilling the Kickstarter backer rewards, and then move on to releasing the game on mobile devices. They expect this process to take a “few more months”.

But it’s not all about waiting and being impatient. Yangyang also gave backers and interested VNers an opportunity to check out the official opening for The Letter, which features an anime-style intro and the song “Letters Goodbye” from Amanda Lee. You can check it out below.

I have to admit, the intro caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting it to be that high of quality, but Yangyang really pulled out all the stops on this one.

They’ve been toiling away on this game since late 2015, and they originally had plans on releasing it in October of 2016. Yeah, they’re about a year off almost from release. With nearly $34,000 in crowd-funding, they’ve slowly worked on the game, putting together the intricate mystery-horror story involving the seven main characters.

The Letter - Opening

A demo of the game was released a while back, and some of the core mechanics involve quick-time mini-games and full CG sequences to help further unfold and explore the narrative elements.

If you like mysteries and horrors and really taking a journey into something slightly different from the slice-of-life VNs that typically come out, you can look for The Letter to launch on Steam later in the month on July 24th.

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