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Dusk, Retro FPS Has You Fighting The KKK This October

David Szymanski’s Dusk is prepping to finalize development for its highly anticipated October 31st launch on Halloween later this year. Ahead of the game’s launch this fall, you can pre-purchase the game for $20.00 over on the Steam store.

The announcement came out that not only can you pre-purchase the game but you can look forward to the multiplayer being revealed during QuakeCon.

The announcement about the pre-purchase and the QuakeCon reveal was accompanied by a gameplay trailer, sporting some hard-nosed first-person combat, and 1990’s inspired hardcore action.

The game seems to take some strong inspirations from Blood, Redneck Rampage and Quake.

According to Blues, players will be battling against the KKK, which seems to be the theme of a lot of first-person shooters these days. With the media’s obsession with racism and Nazis, it wouldn’t be surprising if constantly making supremacist as the go-to enemy in media will continue to radicalize those on the right.

The full game will feature more than just the Klan as an enemy, there will also be a number of other supernatural and otherworldly foes to fight as well. Keeping in tradition with the retro theme, there will be three episodes, just like Doom, Wolfenstein and a bunch of other FPS shareware games from the 1990s.

According to the description of the game…

“In three distinct campaign episodes hand-crafted from straight outta the 90’s, players battle through an onslaught of mystical backwater cultists, possessed militants and even darker forces and attempt to discover just what lurks beneath the earth. Featuring a vast arsenal of badass weaponry including saw blades, dual-wielded shotguns from 1887 and an incredibly necessary grenade launcher, DUSK is unapologetic retro action from start to finish.”

The game sports dual-wielding, grenade launchers, shotguns, and a bunch of other classic and bizarre weaponry.

There’s bunny hopping, strafe-firing, and a lot of old-school FPS tactics many fans of Doom will recognize.

Beyond the campaign mode, Dusk will also sport an Endless Survival Mode, and an online arena mode.

You can look for the game to launch in full on October 31st later this year.

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