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Omega Strike, 2D-Shooter Set To Hit Steam This Year

There’s been a flood of metroidvania type games onto the market recently, and if you happen to like titles along those same lines, then Woblyware has a game for you named Omega Strike. The 2D-shooter is set to hit PC via Steam this year and currently has no official release date yet.

Taking familiar mechanics from games like Metal Slug and Mercenary Kings comes a metroidvania formula titled Omega Strike. Indie publisher and developer Woblyware seeks to release the game sometime this year (2017) for PC, but before the game hits the digital front, below lies the game’s official description:

“Doctor Omega and his mutant armies march toward world domination with only a few brave freedom fighters standing in his way!


Omega Strike is an action-adventure game with multiple playable characters. Explore the interconnected world, defeat monstrous enemies, search for hidden treasures and learn new abilities for your heroes.”

Each character has unique abilities which must be utilize to triumph the deadly traps and enemies that await your presence. Each character can be swapped in or out to use their unique abilities in dire situations, which each ability can grow upon finding secrets and meeting NPCs. The official trailer showing the 2D-shooter game in action comes in courtesy of Woblyware.

As of now, the game is still in development and will likely gain additional updates in the coming months. However, future plans and features currently set in motion for Omega Strike can be seen below:

  • A vast interconnected world with seven unique areas
  • Three playable heroes who each have their own special abilities
  • Swap your heroes at any time to take advantage of their skills
  • Search for hidden treasures and purchase weapon upgrades
  • Omega Strike is currently in development for PC

If Omega Strike seems like an interesting game you can find more information over on the game’s Steam page or

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