Bandai Namco, during Tokyo Game Show 2017, showed off new footage of Dragon Ball FighterZ. The new footage shines light on the most recent characters to join the upcoming fighting game and that happens to be Yamcha, Tien and Android 21.
Developed by Arc System Works, Dragon Ball FighterZ has two new videos showing gameplay and a talking scene that happens to be featured at Tokyo Game Show 2017. The game itself is set to launch for PC, PS4 and Xbox One in February 2018.
Given that February is a long ways away from now, if you happen to be an eager fan and want a glimpse of the game footage can be seen right here thanks to publication site Gematsu. The videos or I should say the footage showing Yamcha, Tien and Android 21 are short, but the two videos do offer up a nice look at the three characters set to hit Dragon Ball FighterZ.
The first video comes in by Bandai Namco’s 876TV channel and covers a variety of things. The part that shows actual gameplay of Yamcha and Tien starts at 22:57 and ends at 24:00.
The second video that Bandai Namco posted to its channel offers a look at Goku, Android 18, Krillin and Android 21. The scene is considered to be spoilers by some viewers, however the minute long video is just a cut-scene that contains talking.
Not too long ago we got information about Yamcha, Tien and Android 21 making an appearance in Dragon Ball FighterZ thanks to the latest issue of V-Jump. I’m not sure if the next issue will go over more characters or if it’ll be about features and mechanics?
Lastly, if you want more Dragon Ball FighterZ information you can head on over to or, which the latter explores character rank, stats and other featured set to be in the full version.