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1462270cookie-checkGearbox Has 90 Percent Of Its Team Working On Borderlands 3

Gearbox Has 90 Percent Of Its Team Working On Borderlands 3

More and more information about Borderlands 3 pops up every now and then and happens to be more on the rumor side than factual. However, Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford announced at this year’s PAX West that Gearbox has 90% of its team working on Borderlands 3.

Catching wind from publication site GameRant, information regarding Borderlands 3 and its development process has surfaced in that almost the entirety of Gearbox’s team is working on the next installment of Borderlands 3. This time around, Pitchford did not take to the act of singing an embarrassing or cringe worthy song while at the event, instead he just made mention of the third installment and the percentage of heads doing so.

According to the publication site, it appears that development is going rather well in that a large amount of team members at the studio are center-focused on churning out the next game.

It is important to note that two months ago — in a tweet Pitchford posted in reply to some people he was talking to via Twitter — the third game will likely follow in the footsteps of the first Borderlands in terms of dialogue, structuring of conversations, humor and other various tones found in the game. I should also point out that Pitchford and crew could go off-the-cuff and change the third game’s mechanics to be a lot more like the first title as well, but who knows?

Looking back to more recent times, Pitchford made the comment about the staff working on Borderlands 3 at PAX West 2017 during the Insider Gearbox Software panel. However he was not able to further elaborate on the upcoming game.

In addition to the above, it is unclear at this moment as to what platforms it may be on, but it’s likely to hit PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and the Pro and X versions of the latter two. We’ll likely find out much more information about Borderlands 3 in the near future.

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