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Pankapu’s Full Version Set To Arrive On PS4, Xbox One, Steam Sept 20th

Playdius Entertainment and Too Kind Studio announced that their colorful, action-platformer that originally came onto the scene last year in September, will have the full episodic adventure completed and released on September 20th near the end of the month for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Steam users.

Originally, the first version of the game launched last year in September for $9.99 over on Steam. It contained the first episode of many that allowed gamers to get a taste of the title. This year, Playdius have updated the title and announced that the full version will be available for $11.99.

Over on the Steam page they announced that the prologue version will still be available for only $4.99, so if you were curious about what the game was like, you can play-test that version for basically half price to see what it’s like.

If you’re not at all inclined to pay any amount of money right now for the game until you see it in action, there’s a launch trailer below.

The game is actually pretty cool looking. The ability to switch between the three aegis reminds me a lot of Frozenbyte’s Trine, only without the three-player cooperative feature.

Each of the class types will allow you to execute different kinds of abilities and combat maneuvers, designed to give you an advantage depending on the kind of tactical situation that requires thinking outside the box.

Visually is where the game stands out the most, given that it allows you to see just how much detail and passion that Too Kind Studio put into the creation of Pankapu’s world and characters. It’s vibrantly animated side-scroller with the kind of visual verve one might expect from a Vanillaware or Treasure game.

You can look to get your hands on the full version of Pankapu later this month. The game will also launch at some undisclosed time in the future for the Nintendo Switch.

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