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Days Gone Devs Announce Team Expansion And Job Openings

Very little information has surfaced when it comes to Days Gone and/or Bend Studio. Well, that has changed a bit regarding Sony Interactive Entertainment and Bend Studio’s Days Gone, when the developers posted up a tweet detailing that a team expansion is taking place and that jobs are open for Days Gone.

There’s no telling whether or not Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and Bend Studio will showcase Days Gone at the upcoming PlayStation Experience 2017 event, but what is known is that Bend Studio is not only gearing up to further develop Days Gone, it looks like the team is planning to make bigger games in the future by expanding its team and studio.

The tweet comes, as posted above, by Bend Studio Twitter account. In addition, a certain user by the name of David wanted to know if he could apply for a job after congratulating the team on the latest news. Here’s Bend Studio’s response:

The two jobs that happen to be open right now list a Senior Staff Gameplay Programmer and a Senior Animation Programmer.

Moreover, it’s unclear if these jobs are for Days Gone or for something else, but given the wording of “a new AAA PlayStation 4 exclusive” does suggest that these jobs are more than likely for Days Gone:

“Sony Bend Studio, the creator of Days Gone, Syphon Filter and Uncharted: Golden Abyss, is looking for top talent to join our in passionate team in creating a new AAA PlayStation 4 exclusive.”

For the curious reader wanting to know more about these two job listings, the description for them sit below.

Senior Staff Gameplay Programmer:

We are seeking a Senior Gameplay Programmer to contribute to our development process. This position specializes in specific areas of programming that centers around the architecture and implementation of game engine code systems used for the creation and development of a game application.

Senior Animation Programmer:

We are seeking a Senior Animation Programmer to help develop next generation animation systems for a current working title being developed by Bend Studio. This is not an entry level position and applicant must be able to demonstrate current working knowledge in the field of animation development for recent game applications. This role is closely related to both a physics and animation engineer.

Days Gone is set to release exclusively for PS4 according to the game’s official website, and has a release date of TBA.

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