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1540140cookie-checkARK Aberration Guide: How To Tame Rock Drakes, Ravagers And Craft Hazard Suits

ARK Aberration Guide: How To Tame Rock Drakes, Ravagers And Craft Hazard Suits

Studio Wildcard’s ARK Aberration is out now and if you want to learn how to tame the Rock Drake, Ravager and craft the hazard suit, this guide will teach you how to do so for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

In order to tame the Rock Drake without any complications, you must first craft the hazard suit to avoid radiation. To craft the hazard suit reach first reach level 68, which will unlock the hazard helmet, pants, boots, and shirt blueprints.

You will need quite a bit of Blue Gems, Congealed Gas Balls, Crystals, Fiber, Hide, and Polymer. You will be immune to radiation, hallucinations, and some forms of poison when wearing this suit.

Mitt Gaming has a video guide on how to craft the hazard suit.

To find Rock Drake eggs you will need to find a chasm or narrow valley thing that plays host to Rock Drake eggs in the crevice of the walls. You can find this place at 56 Latitude and 57 Longitude, and you will need a hazard suit.

Snag an egg and take off as fast as you can, because said action will upset the surrounding Rock Drake parents. Keep the egg in a cool/cold place until it hatches.

Make sure to feed it Nameless Venom when it’s growing up, and store this substance in a preserving bin for future feeding purposes.

Once it becomes mature and you put a saddle on it, you can then ride it and go about doing whatever it is with your tamed Rock Drake. A video showing the taming process comes in courtesy of

Last on this list comes the Ravager. When hunting for a Ravager you will want to look for the glowing one out a pack, since that one is the Alpha out of them all. Tranquilize the one you want out of the pack and when it’s knocked out you will need to feed it either Prime Meat or Mutton.

The above actions will completes the tame process, and if you want to ride it you will need to build a saddle and equip the Ravanger with said item.

You can watch Mitt Gaming tame the Ravanger.

ARK Aberration is available right now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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