The anime-inspired, action-soccer game from Klab Games, Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team, originally came out back in Japan during the summer of 2017… June, to be specific. After spending some time localizing and translating the game for its debut in the West, the developers announced that the anime-themed soccer game is now available for download via the iTunes app store and Google Play for mobile gamers living outside of Japan.
Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team is currently available for iOS and Android mobile devices. The worldwide versin offers language support for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and traditional Mandarin, but you won’t be able to play the global version in Japan, mainland China or South Korea. They’ve got to keep those boundaries in place. Can’t let Western culturalism bleed into the heart of the East, right?
Anyway, a launch trailer was set loose for the public to consume, which you can view below. It’ll give you an idea of what to expect from the mobile outing.
Look, when you’ve got eagles soaring in to help you score goals and tiger blood running through your veins when you fire off a kick toward the post, you have to recognize that this is no normal game on a boring ‘ole pitch.
Surprisingly enough, the game doesn’t look like a typical mobile title. It would have been a lot more exciting if Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team was available on a real gaming platform, but it is what it is.
As mentioned in the trailer, you’ll need to build up your team, assign them roles and then take on your opponents in intense matches. There’s also a PvP element to the game so you can challenge other players from around the world (but no in Asia) to some multiplayer bouts. You can play the game either for the standard matches or take part in the game’s story mode, which recaptures the original anime’s storyline.
There are also regular events held for players to win prizes and grow their presence in the online gaming community.
The game has already been downloaded more than 4 million times in Asia, and Klabs is hoping to repeat that success in the West… and around the rest of the world.
You can grab a digital copy right now for your smartphone from the iTunes app store or from the Google Play store.