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1548190cookie-checkAnthem, Dragon Age Executive Producer Tries To Raise Morale About BioWare’s Future Under EA

Anthem, Dragon Age Executive Producer Tries To Raise Morale About BioWare’s Future Under EA

While BioWare has Anita Sarkeesian prowling around the BioWare Edmonton office, the new Dragon Age and the upcoming Anthem will have developers of BioWare split working on both games. In fact, Dragon Age executive producer Mark Darrah is trying to oversee both games and get evolve them into tip top shape for EA.

As of this writing Mark Darrah, executive producer of the Dragon Age series of games, disclosed on Twitter that he is also now the executive producer on Anthem. In other words, Darrah is now helping both Dragon Age and Anthem at the same time.

You can read this information posted up on the social media site known as Twitter right here:

Darrah further elaborated on how the team is working hard on this new Dragon Age game and Anthem by posting the following information below:

The concerning part about this is that papa EA is quick to pull the plug on anything that may not follow a “profitable” future. We can trace this back to last year with the closure of Visceral Games and the purchase of Respawn Entertainment.

To set the record straight, it’s not uncommon for developers to work on multiple games at once. It’s just that when multiple projects under a publisher like EA end up failing due to expectations that don’t resonant with core gamers and fans, we oftentimes see the result in the form of a studio closing.

Given that BioWare is coming off of the highly controversial Mass Effect: Andromeda fiasco and is now working on two games at once that are pretty big in scope under EA, alarms should be raised if not already blaring.

Going by Darrah, who states that the team is working hard on both games after an alleged Anthem delay, we just might see BioWare fold under with its other siblings, if the growing grave site by papa EA is any indication to go by.

If you want early bite sized info about BioWare, Anthem, and Dragon Age you can read up on Darrah’s tweets given that he’ll relay info on both titles.

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