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Beholder: Complete Edition Is Now Available On PS4, Coming Soon To Xbox

The dramatic thriller from Alawar and Curve Digital called Beholder, has officially launched for the PlayStation 4. More specifically, Beholder: Complete Edition is currently available for the PlayStation 4.

You’ll get the base game along with the Blissful Sleep DLC that was previously released for the game. This includes all the latest balance patches, updates and fixes that also came out beforehand, packaged neatly into a digital download for PlayStation 4 owners. So in a rare case, PC gamers got to beta test for PS4 gamers. Sony ponies would do well in this rare moment to suckle on the teet of pride, and slurp up all those jealous tears from the Glorious PC Master Race.

Anyway, Beholder is a game about ratting people out and being a pawn for the state controlled forces. You take on the role of a super overseeing an apartment complex where you must spy on your neighbors for Big Brother. They will assign you tasks that you must complete without blowing your cover, this also includes ratting out neighbors who may have broken one of the many state mandated laws.

Anyone who in any way believes that Communism works, just play Beholder and see if that’s the sort of society you would like to live in.

The actual gameplay requires players to walk around and use the assortment of buttons to perform both menial and important tasks, ranging from repairing tenant’s utilities to getting supplies and goods for your family – oh you thought you were going to play a single, young, dashing bachelor? Oh no, you’ll be taking care of a family here, and that means scraping by using whatever means possible.

And yes, you’ll have to balance the task put upon you by your overlords while also attempting to be mindful of your family’s desires as well.

Many people have compared Beholder to Papers, Please, given that they both operate on similar wavelengths when it comes to being intense, dramatic thrillers themed around oppressive regimes that have the added weight of trying to find ways to survive with a family in tow.

Beholder is definitely the sort of game you’ll be talking about long after you beat (or it beats you). You can learn more by visiting the official website. The PS4 version is now available but if you have an Xbox One you can look for it to launch starting January 19th.

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