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1548650cookie-checkCode Vein Gameplay Videos And Screenshots Show Hub Area And Dungeons

Code Vein Gameplay Videos And Screenshots Show Hub Area And Dungeons

Bandai Namco upcoming game, Code Vein, that’s often compared to Dark Souls has new gameplay footage and screenshots out. Additionally, the hub area is shown off through screenshots and dungeon footage through gameplay videos, which the actual game will release for PC, PS4 and Xbox One this year.

If you’ve been itching to find out more about Code Vein and what it has to offer gameplay, location and character wise, three new videos and a batch of new screenshots should quench your thirst.

Screenshots showing Home Base or the hub area lie below.

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Furthermore, Bandai Namco hasn’t been too loud about this game and typically releases small clips of Code Vein, and that’s no different than this new batch of screenshots popping up for the game.

For starters, the new gameplay videos of Code Vein show off the Home Base, City of Falling Flame, and Ridge of Frozen Souls. The former location happens to be that of a hub area, while the latter two are dungeons.

You can check out the hub area below thanks to YouTuber Pixeltyp.

Here at the Home Base, you can talk and buy from various merchants that sell you new items or improve equipment. You can also recruit NPCs to join your team.

Upon doing various quests connected to certain characters, you can increase your Affinity stat and unlock powerful items from them.

Thanks to YouTuber Pixeltyp you can look over the City of Falling Flame and Ridge of Frozen Souls. Parts of these two areas have been shown before, but this new footage should give you a better ideal of dungeon exploration and fighting.

If all of that looked like fun and like something you could get behind, Bandai Namco is set to release its RPG known as Code Vein for PC and home consoles this year. No specific launch date has been announced yet.

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