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1545670cookie-checkDragon Ball FighterZ On PC Reportedly Has Denuvo DRM

Dragon Ball FighterZ On PC Reportedly Has Denuvo DRM

Reports are surfacing that Dragon Ball FighterZ on PC has Denuvo digital rights anti-tamper built into it. The Outer Haven is reporting that intrepid PC gamers have been scouring the data for Bandai Namco’s upcoming game through the entry over on the Steam Database.

What did they find? Well, there was an update dating back to December 19th, 2017 for the end user license agreement, attached to app ID 678950. So why is the EULA update important and why is app ID 678950 have any significance in the matter? Well, as indicated on the Steam Database, each game in Steam’s library is assigned an application identification number. The ID for Dragon Ball FighterZ, as indicated on the Steam store page, is 678950.

The EULA is attached to app ID 678950.

So what does the EULA state? Well, if you scroll all the way down to the bottom in section 24 sub-section ‘a’, you’ll find that there’s a clause for third-party software. What does it state?

“This Game is protected by Denuvo Anti-Tamper technology (“Anti-Tamper Technology”). By installing this Game, you acknowledge and consent that certain files of the Anti-Tamper Technology may remain even after the Game is uninstalled from your computer. For more information, please visit Denuvo’s website.”

So why is this important?

Well, Denuvo has been a bane to PC gamers for quite some time, even going so far as to cause major performance issues for gamers. In 2017’s most infamous case, RiME was plagued with massive FPS issues on PC due to Denuvo making multiple calls every time the game cycled through a refresh, which completely slowed down performance. Eventually Tequila Works was forced to remove Denuvo from RiME.

Denuvo also made an appearance in Bandai Namco’s Tekken 7, but was promptly defeated by crackers in just four days.

Given the express popularity of Dragon Ball FighterZ, expect Denuvo to suffer a similar fate within a similar amount of time frame. The biggest issue is that Bandai could lose out on a lot of money as gamers would be more inclined to get the cracked version as opposed to paying for a legitimate copy knowing that their PC could be hit with performance debilitating effects due to Denuvo.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is due for release on PC, PS4 and Xbox One starting January 25th.

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