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1547750cookie-checkKingdom Come: Deliverance Video Covers Haggling, Thieving, And Armor Layers

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Video Covers Haggling, Thieving, And Armor Layers

A new video for Kingdom Come: Deliverance was posted up to give gamers a look at the upcoming medieval-themed role-playing game for home consoles and PC. It’s a 16 minute video called “Of Minds, Blade sand Schnapps!”

The video focuses on the consequences of choices and building up a reputation among the commoners. You’ll need to bargain, craft, or fight your way toward helping Henry win back the freedom for the people in the land.

The video starts by explaining that Kingdom Come: Deliverance is set in 1403, Bohemia. The theme of the video centers around a mission that involves Henry dealing with some of the bandits in the area.

The video then goes into explaining how there are no reticules for firing arrows, and you’ll have to rely on your own skills to execute foes with your bow skills.

They also cover the combat mechanics, and how there are six different strike zones, and that the attacks and guarding are based on 15th century sword skills.

If you’re damaged during combat and begin to bleed out, you’ll either need to have high level alchemy skills to stop the bleeding, or you’ll have to go to an inn, or acquire the necessary medicinal equipment to get bandaged up and avoid bleeding out.

The video also covers some of the different jobs the NPCs carry out throughout the game world, from cooks to cleaners, and from monks to scribes. Everyone has a job… and everyone works hard.

Kingdom Come Deliverance - Scribes

Kingdom Come Deliverance – Cooks

If you’re tight on cash, you can even veer into the dark side of conduct, robbing from people, stealing from peasants, and even vandalizing homes for your own gain.

The video covers how you can use picklocks to get inside of chests and take the goods inside. It’s very similar to classic games like Baldur’s Gate or The Elder Scrolls games.

Unlike the other games, though, if you get caught stealing you won’t have to rely on simply dying when you get caught. You can attempt to talk your way out of capture, pay a fine, or do your time in a cell.

The video also covers how your clothing affects your reputation. The better you dress the more respect NPCs will show you. You’ll also have layered clothing, with six different layers for your upper torso, four different layers for your lower body, and four layers for your head.

The video offers a look at a new mission, how you can haggle to increase your charisma, and how you can increase your skills in just about every category in everything you do.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is due for release on February 13th next month, so you won’t have to wait long to get your hands on the game for PC, PS4 or Xbox One.

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