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Lost Sphear, PSX-Style RPG Launches For Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC

Tokyo RPG Factory’s next entry in their line of Japanese-inspired role playing games is the 3D, turn-based RPG, Lost Sphear.

The game follows a young dude who must save a world in peril from an evil and ominous power. The evil is wiping out the memories of the land, and with those memories the land itself. The young dude, Kanata, must restore the memories and restore the land to reshape the constantly disappearing world.

The game uses traditional turn-based combat mechanics like the olden days. Players will have standard attacks and special skills at their disposal, not unlike Tokyo RPG Factory’s other outing, I Am Setsuna.

You can check out the launch trailer to get an idea of what the gameplay and graphics are like.

Some of the user reviews over on the Steam page haven’t been the most positive. Some gamers note that the game has very cliched characters and a cliched JRPG story. One user stated that while it follows all the basic story beats of the old games, it doesn’t quite hold up to classics like Final Fantasy VII.

There are some who aren’t quite as harsh on the game, noting that it plays out decently enough and that the graphics are passable for anyone who grew up on PSX JRPGs.

The soundtrack is definitely interesting and more varied than I Am Setsuna, but then again I really thoroughly enjoyed the soundtrack to I Am Setsuna. You can take a listen below.

The PC version received criticisms about the controls for keyboard and mouse support, along with a few complaining that the combat prompts don’t always respond the way they should.

It sounds like another generic JRPG outing from Tokyo RPG Factory. It’s certainly not quite a masterpiece based on the descriptions, but Nintendo Switch owners and PS4 owners seem okay with the game.

Oh, and a lot of people are complaining about that $49.99 price tag… so that’s something to consider, too.

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