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Past Cure, Cinematic Action Game Launches February 23rd For $29.99

Phantom 8 Studios released a new behind-the-scenes video for the upcoming third-person, action-oriented, cinematic shooter, Past Cure. The game seems to be the natural evolution of the earlier Max Payne games, combining stylized combat with Hong Kong action cinema-inspired melee mechanics.

Leading up to the game’s February 23rd, 2018 release date for PS4, Xbox One and PC, the German developers released details for the game’s story and gameplay. Players take on the role of former special forces soldier, Ian. He’s been subjected to some heinous experiments that have left him with telekinetic powers and a fractured mind. Players will have to navigate between the real world and Ian’s hallucinations, which seems to be reminiscent to the narrative hook for the game Get Even.

As Ian, players will have to navigate both his memories and the real world threats on his quest to get answers and ultimately get revenge.

You can learn a little bit more about the gameplay with the behind-the-scenes video below.

There’s a small team of dedicated and skilled designers working on Past Cure, using a mixture of motion capture, key-frame animation, and a variety of the latest tools to blend it all together to create the final results you’ve seen in some of the game’s trailers.

Even though they are a small studio, they used mo-cap to capture the most realistic movements for the characters, and then did the clean-up in Maya before porting it over and using the tree-blending suite in Unreal Engine 4.

We get to see some of the work that the team has implemented into the game, how they’ve created the characters and what sort of tools they’re using to get it all done.

While the behind-the-scenes video doesn’t give you much to look at as far as in-game play is concerned, you can check out the story trailer below to see how all of that hard work comes together to create something special.

Past Cure looks like it could be a pretty cool game, so long as the gameplay is solid and it’s not janky.

We’ll see if Phantom 8 Studios managed to hew something worthwhile out of their efforts come February 23rd when Past Cure launches for PS4, Xbox One and PC for $29.99.

For more info on the third-person action game, feel free to hit up the Phantom 8 website.

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