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The Banner Saga 3 Vignette Recaps The Troubled Quest Of Fasolt

Stoic Studios’ upcoming The Banner Saga 3 is due out for release this summer for home consoles and PC. The game is the final entry in the highly lauded and critically acclaimed tactical role-playing series.

The developers unleashed a new trailer focusing on one of the game’s resident characters, Fasolt. A giant from the old world from the race of the Varl, and a loyalist to the cause.

The vignette covers how the humans in the last game had collapsed the home of the Varl in exchange for safety while fleeing from the Dredge. However, Fasolt did not fall with his brethren, and did manage to survive… though not entirely in one piece.

Due to losing his honor and his clan at the hands of humans who were desperate to save their own skin, Fasolt leads the last remaining Varl to attack the human settlement in the far north, all while the Dredge still haunt and hunt them like an undying shadow creeping over a cloud-covered land.

The reaction to the video from other gamers has been nothing but positive. Unlike other developers Stoic Studios is staying true to their fan base, and focusing on finishing up The Banner Saga in true fashion to ideals that founded the game’s inception in the first place and helped get it Kickstarted so many years ago.

They’re one the last remaining developers staying true to the concept of putting gameplay and story first. The Banner Saga is also one of the few games that managed to escape being overshadowed by sociopolitical commentary or virtue signaling. It’s a real breath of fresh air from all the other typical games out there being released from AAA developers.

You can look for The Banner Saga 3 to arrive for home consoles and PC this summer. For further information on the game be sure to visit the official website.

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