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1544550cookie-checkThe Station, Sci-Fi Mystery Game Coming To PS4, Xbox One February 20th

The Station, Sci-Fi Mystery Game Coming To PS4, Xbox One February 20th

The developers working on The Station have released the first trailer for the sci-fi mystery game, which his due out for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on February 20th, 2018 next month. The announcement trailer does a flyby of various rooms that players will explore on a seemingly abandoned space station.

The game centers around the Espial space station, an advanced outpost hovering around the orbit of the alien planet, Psy-Prime. The crew aboard the station go missing and players take on the role of an investigator who must find out what’s going on at the Espial station.

Once players reach the station, it’s discovered that the station’s power is completely out and must restore the power. You can see what the station looks like in the trailer below.

We don’t get to see any of the gameplay but the press release explains that The Station will feature puzzle solving, logic puzzles, and exploration.

The game is being designed by former AAA veterans, such as Radical Entertainment’s Dave Fracchia, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning designer Les Nelkin, and BioShock Infinite and League of Legends composer Duncan Watt are heading up the development of The Station.

Dave Fracchia, the executive producer on the game, explains in the press release that the game will be atmospheric and capture both the loneliness and emptiness of space…

“Our goal is to challenge what people expect from atmospheric mysteries,” “By abandoning player-driven dialogue we are able to replicate the emptiness and loneliness of space, while still enthralling with a pressure-packed mystery.”

The game will be a budget-priced title, so you won’t be pressured to spend $40 or $60 on The Station. The game will launch on the Steam store, on the PlayStation Network, and on the Xbox Store for $14.99. Hopefully they’ll release more video trailers and actual gameplay footage before the February 20th release date. For more info feel free to visit the official Station website.

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