A by-the-books trailer from MGM and Warner Bros., for the upcoming Tomb Raider flick recently dropped. It’s the second major trailer ahead of the launch of the rebooted film series based on the rebooted game series from 2013.
The trailer rolls out the basic plot of the film: Lara Croft’s daddy has gone missing and instead of accepting the possibility that he left her and her mother for some young, hot lass, Lara fills her head with thoughts of grandeur about the disappearance of her father. Unlike real life, she’s actually right.
Papa Croft really did go missing instead of chasing poontang at the pie shop in another place… like Paris. It turns out that her old man took a trip to a remote island to find some rare artifact, and ended up getting Walton Goggins’ character trapped on the island.
Lara takes her perpetually friend-zoned Asian male partner with her to the island, played by Chinese actor Daniel Wu. The duo end up getting captured by Goggins’ character, who needs Lara’s help to solve some ancient puzzles and raid some dank tombs. You can check out the second trailer for Tomb Raider below, courtesy of YouTube outlet New Trailer Buzz.
We see Alicia Vikander’s Lara Croft making impossible jumps, getting physically abused by an environment that dishes out more punishment to women than OJ Simpson, and we see her taking up arms by using a bow and dispatching guys with her pick-axe.
In typical Hollywood fashion there’s even a muddy fight scene in the rain where Lara physically manhandles one of the trained mercenaries, giving a bunch of half-shaven headed, purple-haired Tumblr justice warriors their “You go girl!!!” moment to share across social media.
The film’s trailer is very much by-the-books… as I mentioned. It has a steady beat to hook viewers with the plot, some generically entertaining looking action sequences, some impossible stunts, and a few explosions. They manage to pack in some diversity, prop up some feminist empowerment, and make a few head-nods toward the popular Tomb Raider game series all in one go, probably in hopes of ticking off as many demographic checkboxes as possible.
It’s the sort of trailer that will get all of the safe passage blessings heading into the theater from Liberal media, and a lot of silence from Conservative outlets.
As far as the trailer is concerned, it’s perfunctory. As a film, it looks like more of the same Hollywood schlock we’ve been receiving throughout the aughts.
You can look for Tomb Raider to hit theaters later this year.