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Vampyr Video Covers The Four Districts Of London

Dontnod Entertainment released a new behind-the-scenes video dev doc for their upcoming action-oriented drama, Vampyr. The second episode in the developer documentary series covers the four districts that players will be able to visit during the old poverty-ridden streets of London.

The second entry in the series is four minutes long and is titled the “Architects of the Obscure”. The four districts of Vampyr includes the immigrant district, Whitechapel; the East End Docks; the Hospital where Jonathan works; and the West End.

You get a brief glimpse at each of the four locations in the developer doc below.

Unlike the other three districts, the West End is described as being wealthier, giving players an idea of what London was like outside of the slums where a bunch of poor people have fallen ill to the Spanish flu.

One of the things that’s mentioned in the dev doc by art director Gregory Szucs, is that they wanted to give players a feeling of intrigue and mystery – to constantly goad them down alleyways and streets to see what’s ahead.

The idea is that in the distance the game relies on a lot of shadows and silhouettes. Prompting players to let curiosity guide their path.

It’s also mentioned that the game won’t have a standard chamber music soundtrack, but rather some industrial sounds to match both the gritty theme of Vampyr and the solitude of Doctor Jonathan Reid, as he marches along the dreary-drenched streets of 20th century London.

There are still classical instruments used as elements to help bring Vampyr to life, which we get glimpses of at the tail end of the video.

Of course, keep in mind that this is still a game made by the makers of Life is Strange and Remember Me, two games that ranked high on the favorites list of Social Justice Warriors… and Dontnod is also French.

You can look for Vampyr to launch this year for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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