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1548910cookie-checkWolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Agent Silent Death DLC Available For PC, PS4 And Xbox One

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Agent Silent Death DLC Available For PC, PS4 And Xbox One

If you happen to find some solace in the cut scene loaded game that is Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, you’ll not only find a fix related to a crash when a certain cut scene appears, but DLC that lets you play through ‘The Diaries of Agent Silent Death’.

That’s right, if you are looking to play as Jessica Valenti, I mean Jessica Valiant, Bethesda and Machine Games have released ‘The Diaries of Agent Silent Death’ for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

If you feel like you wanted more from this game loaded up with cut scenes, Bethesda revealed that it will cost you about $24.99 (US) / £17.99 (UK) / $34.95 (AUS) / €24.99 (EUR) for the Freedom Chronicles Season Pass to gain access to all DLCs including ‘The Diaries of Agent Silent Death’.

The following description also happens to be provided by Bethesda too:

“In “The Diaries of Agent Silent Death” you’ll fight to unravel a sinister plot in the California offices of the Nazi propaganda film studio, Paragon Pictures. As former OSS agent and assassin Jessica Valiant (AKA Agent Silent Death), you’ll stalk, shoot and stab your enemies from the shadows.”

In other words, you’ll have to investigate who killed your husband and get down to the bottom of Paragon Pictures.

The official trailer showing ‘The Diaries of Agent Silent Death’ and in-game footage of some of the missions present in the newly dropped DLC, sit below for you to look over.

If you don’t know, this DLC happens to be the second to last one, arriving after The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe. The second DLC had you assuming the role of a former professional quarterback named Joseph Stallion.

Moreover, if saving your soy boy, I mean husband, and crashing Paragon Pictures in California like a “Pizza Parlor” sounds like fun, you’ll be able to do all of that right now.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is currently available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, and will launch for Switch in 2018.

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