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1546950cookie-checkYs VIII: Lacrimosa Of Dana Delayed For PC Due To Memory Leak, FPS Issues

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa Of Dana Delayed For PC Due To Memory Leak, FPS Issues

NIS America sent out a notice informing press and gamers alike that the PC version of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana has been delayed for PC and will no longer launch on January 30th at the end of the month. Instead, the game will have to undergo more testing and fixing, which means it now has an undetermined release date.

The press notice isn’t just some generic excuse for the delay of the game. NIS America properly explained exactly why the game on PC is being delayed, writing…

“Low framerate issues and memory leak problems were apparent from the earliest PC builds we received. To help combat these, we looked into the drawing processes, which lead to an overall improvement in performance. However, we are still encountering framerate drops in specific circumstances. The systems regulating these framerate issues are heavily reliant on the architecture of the original PlayStation 4 version and, as such, are not existent in PC architecture. The memory leak issues are somewhat less complicated and expected to be resolved this weekend. But in order to solve these issues, we have determined that we must modify the core level of data in the game.”

The press notice goes on to state that NIS did not want to modify the core programming for the game and optimize to the metal. However, they will have to contract a separate port house to work on Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana to address how the CPU instructions are handled and optimize the game specifically to the hardware of PC architecture to alleviate the frame drops.

NIS America will fix the memory leaks first and then at the end of January move Ys VIII over to another port house, who will then finish the optimization process for the PC version of the JRPG.

On the upside, NIS America will be maintaining the release schedule of the re-localized version of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana for the PS4 and PlayStation Vita versions of the game. The new localization efforts will go into effect on the original date that they had designated for the patch on January 30th.

Expect a further update on when the release window for the PC version of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana will arrive sometime after January concludes.

You can pick up a digital or physical copy of the game right now for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.

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