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1548360cookie-checkZygote Horror Movie Script Being Worked On By Oats Studio’s Neill Blomkamp

Zygote Horror Movie Script Being Worked On By Oats Studio’s Neill Blomkamp

South African director Neill Blomkamp is currently working on a script for a full length feature of the highly praised short film from Oats Studio called Zygote. The independent project was distributed through Steam last year along with a few other low-budget shorts from Oats Studio that were of higher quality than anything put out by Hollywood that year.

Well, recently the Stan Winston School tweeted out an image of the Zygote that was conceived and designed by conceptual art designer Ian Spriggs, sharing a link to his Art Station account. Blomkamp responded to the tweet by informing fans of the Zygote short that he’s currently working on a script for the full length feature… right now.

Zygote was easily one of the more popular shorts that Oats Studios produced, alongside Rakka and Firebase. The latter of the three short films is set to receive crowdfunding starting this February, where Blomkamp announced that they would be sourcing funds to turn Firebase into a full feature length sci-fi horror film.

Blomkamp also noted on social media that if funding for Firebase goes over well in February, they will be looking to crowdsource funds for Rakka and Zygote as well.

This would be excellent news for fans of all three short films, given that any single one of them could become instant cinematic classics if they were made into feature length flicks. In fact, if you haven’t seen Zygote or don’t know exactly why it’s been praised and clamored for so much by the cinematic and sci-fi community to receive a full length film, you can check out the short below to get an idea as to why they feel the way they do.

The monster design and directing of the short were pitch perfect. As a fan of sci-fi horror you really couldn’t ask for anything better. And that’s not to mention that the actors really put their heart and soul into the performance, unlike the typical Michael Bay Transformers flick.

Anyway, you’ll likely have to keep an eye on Neil Blomkamp’s social media feeds for further updates on how well some of these projects are coming along and when the crowdfunding will get underway for some of them.

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