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No Man’s Sky Data-Miner Lists “Complex Features” Found In Early Builds

According to a recent podcast about Hello Games’ No Man’s Sky, it is said that a lot of the features seen in previous trailers before the game’s launch were, in fact, in the game but then removed. However, the game’s data is said to be far more complex than showcased before its release, and some of the advanced gutted features are still floating around in the executable.

Sadly, there’s so much stuff that was taken out of No Man’s Sky that it would be too long to list, but on the upside it could likely come back in the future, which is already happening with updates like Path Finder and Atlas Rising,

To help put things into context and to know what was all in (or still is in) No Man’s Sky, you can start the following video by Cobra TV at 37:00, which the info on gutted content in No Man’s Sky ends around 44:00.

Okay to sum up the above video between 37:00 and 44:00, the data-miner/modder RayRod found on the PC version — apart from hundreds of thousands of pre-release mechanics that are scattered and still existing within the files — the E3 pre-release biomes. He noted that most of them are still existing and are completely alien to the game’s current biome structure.

The modder noted that they were partially scripted but mostly procedural,the rules that also were set per biome were more advanced and would completely transform the game if they were still using those methods.

In addition to the biome system, a few of the things done through the pre-release version specified the amount of life per planet is custom tailored to the kind of unique weather on a specific planet. Additionally, there were more detailed multi-weather systems, unique resource rules, unique building density rules, and unique, common, uncommon and rare substance rules.

It is said that rules for water visuals effects and underwater places included custom underwater and cave systems.

Advanced creature rules and appearances per biome, according to the modder, were far more complex compared to the current game. It is also said that the amount of variety per biome is about five times larger than other biomes in the game put together.

There were more activities to do per biome, which housed advanced rules for AI. On the topic of AI, unique Sentinel rules, and unique trading rules were designated to differ per planet.

Liquid floating floor under the water and underwater buildings were a thing, and the sky had more varied space colors that were accompanied by varied immersive space algorithms.

On the topic of space, procedural factions were going to be in the game and can be found in the game’s data, which is still in the files. These factions can spark full-on wars that can happen right in front of you.

Eclipses and other space shadows were a thing. The feature is currently disabled at the moment, but the modder says that you can re-enable them and configure them.

Asteroids and space stations were able to hover in the atmosphere or on planetary surfaces, whereupon actual data for orbital mechanics were in the game. Additionally, actual planetary/object rotation was a thing.

Ships were able to explode and hit the surface and break apart and shatter accordingly with unique animations. Lastly, weapons had more mechanics and functions to them compared to their current version.

No Man’s Sky is out now for PC and PS4, but the NEXT update will bring Xbox One support. Hello Games is currently working their “socks off” on the Next update, which is expected to bring some of the aforesaid back, and is due this summer.

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