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Bethesda Softworks Reveals Fallout 76 Teaser Trailer

Bethesda Softworks revealed Fallout 76 teaser trailer as of May 30th. As of course, and like clockworks, a lot of people are playing the speculation game given that there isn’t a lot of info available. However, there are some things that we do know: like how Bethesda Game Studios is behind Fallout 76 and that we’ll learn more about it at E3 2018.

That’s correct, Bethesda Softworks and Bethesda Game Studios will bring forth more information on Fallout 76 at E3. More footage during this year’s Bethesda E3 Showcase is set to kick-off on June 10th at 6:30 P.M. PT / 9:30 P.M. ET in Los Angeles, California, or you can catch the show live via Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or on

But that’s not all, Fallout 76 will release on the typical platforms of PC, and home consoles (PS4 and Xbox One). In other words, Fallout 76 will be made available on the same platforms as its 2015 sibling: Fallout 4.

Instead of rambling on about this game, you can check out what Bethesda has in store for you right here by watching Fallout 76’s teaser trailer.

Like always, the rumor mill is active and claiming various things once again. However it goes, we’ll find out soon, but many rumors are saying that it’s an online game of some sorts, but it’s best to take everything with a grain of salt unless it comes straight from Bethesda.

Moreover, Fallout 76 will take place in the year 2102, shown at 0:29 in the above video. This will be interesting to see how this game plays out, but we’re only a couple of weeks out from E3 so we should learn everything there is to know when Bethesda takes the stage at this year’s expo.

Lastly, all speculations about Fallout 76 will be put to rest soon, but in the meantime what do you think all of this is about? Do you think that the rumors are true regarding online support? And do you also believe that Bethesda will release the game this year?

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