If you took one part of Red Dawn, a pinch of Battlefield Los Angeles, and a good slathering of Tomorrow, When The War Began, you would end up with the sci-fi action-blockbuster, Occupation.
The upcoming film stars Star Wars’ own Temuera Morrison, along with a few other down-under actors most Yanks, Brits, White-Flaggers, and Krauts won’t be familiar with, but the recently released trailer does its darndest to make it known that Occupation is all about uniting the races and bringing men and women together from all walks of life in order to fight back against alien occupiers.
You can check out the trailer below courtesy of Movie Trailers Source.
The film promotes interracial couples, with Morrison being married to a white chick. During a soccer game in the down-under land aliens begin firing on the field, killing the footballers and the audience in attendance.
Morrison ends up losing track of his daughter while fleeing the field, and – as pointed out in the comment section of the trailer – what looks like a giant AMD GPU sinks into the ground that works like a mothership for the armor-clad aliens who look like the techno-knights from Hellgate: London after they took a bath in Ghost Rider’s ashy soot.
After hiding out and allowing the aliens to take over Australia, eventually Morrison and Dan Ewing devise a plan to fight back. They end up using guerrilla tactics, capturing an alien, commandeering their tech, and fighting back against the invaders.
According to some of the comments under the trailer, the film was supposedly made for under $10 million, which means it’s pretty big budget for Australia, but fairly low budget according to Hollywood standards.
Even though it’s being made by Pinnacle Films and Filmmode Entertainment – production companies outside the influence of Hollywood – it’s still a movie that attempts to heavily sway toward the Left in terms of how it depicts sociopolitics in the film.
Diversity, multiculturalism and interracial elements play a strong part in the promotion of Occupation, likely meaning that if you’re not in SJW politics, you’ll likely want to steer clear of the film when it hits theaters later this year.