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1541460cookie-checkPixel Game Maker MV Will Let You Make Metroidvania, Sonic-Style Side-Scrollers

Pixel Game Maker MV Will Let You Make Metroidvania, Sonic-Style Side-Scrollers

Kadokawa Games announced that a game creation suite called Pixel Game Maker MV will be released this summer. The initial release will see it launching into Steam Early Access, but after all the core functionality is implemented and the official plugins are released, the full version will be available for aspiring game creators who don’t have any experience or knowledge when it comes to writing code and designing games.

The project was first reported on by Gematsu, where they noted that gamers and game creators will be able to make their very own top-down or side-scrolling, pixelated 2D action games for anywhere between one and four players. You can make either co-op or competitive games.

Pixel Game Maker MV will also allow creators to create particle effects, shrink, expand and rotate specific objects, tiles, and entities, as well as create physics-based levels and gameplay types.

Motion video, parallax backgrounds, and a flow-style user interface will round out the creation tool suite capabilities. During the Early Access launch some of the functionality may be limited, but there are also plans to include adaptive plugins so that you can expand the game creation potential and usability.

Pixel Maker MV - Co-op

Much like the RPG Maker MV outing from Kadokawa Games, you’ll be able to use default stock assets or create your very own, including characters, animations, particles, tiles, backdrops, and a variety of game types suited for your tastes.

The tool will be designed for gamers to make fast-paced side-scrollers like Freedom Planet or Sonic The Hedgehog, as well as plodding Metroidvania titles like Super Metroid or Castlevania.

Pixel Maker MV will be demonstrated at the BitSummit Vol.6 in Kyoto, Japan between May 12th and May 13th, and following that you can look for the software creation toolkit to arrive on Steam Early Access this summer.

For more info be sure to visit the official website.

(Thanks for the news tip Disqusted)

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