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1542700cookie-checkRIDE 3 Launches Nov 8th For PS4, Xbox One, PC And Features 230 Bikes

RIDE 3 Launches Nov 8th For PS4, Xbox One, PC And Features 230 Bikes

Italian developer Milestone may be working on getting MotoGP 18 this summer for home consoles and PC, but it doesn’t mean that they aren’t already looking ahead toward the future. In fact, later this year during the fall the latest entry in their ongoing motorcycle racing series will drop on November 8th for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Sadly, no Nintendo Switch version of RIDE 3 is in sight, but there’s always MotoGP 18.

The upcoming game features dedicated motorbike racing, including featuring 230 different licensed motorcycles across seven different categories of bikes. That’s a massive, heaping helping of two-wheeled race machines to choose from.

Each motorcycle will behave and operate respective of its real-life counterpart, and powered by physics provided by Epic’s Unreal Engine 4. Milestone overhauled a lot of the handling and mechanisms, along with providing gamers with a wide variety of GP tracks, Supermoto tracks, country roads, city circuits, drag races and road races. You can see what some of the racing action is like with the debut trailer below for RIDE 3.

I have to say that that is a beautifully put together trailer. It may not showcase any actual in-game play, but it actually shows a lot about the technical cogs turning and churning under the hood. We see that Milestone has seriously elevated their lighting game, with more adaptive physically based rendering shining through front and center for the bikes appearing across differently lit environments based on drone laser scanning.

Each bike properly reflects the lighting setup for each track, making the bikes come across a lot more realized in each and every single frame. That’s not to mention that the dynamic PBR that allows for rendering natural light sources throughout each environment — like the mountainside forests while the sun is setting —  is dead-center gorgeous.

RIDE 3 - Forest Track

Milestone really seems to be one of the few developers working really hard to constantly improve and elevate the visual presentation of their games for each and every single one of their annual outings. You can literally see the improvements each time around. They may not be huge improvements, but they’re incremental improvements nonetheless.

The full game will feature 12 all new tracks in addition to the 18 tracks from the previous game, bringing the grand total to 30 playable tracks overall.

The 230 different bikes can also be customized with over 500 different motorcycle parts, along with full livery customization as well.

RIDE 3 rounds out with an all new collision system, improved AI, and a brand new career mode based on bike volumes that centers on specific categories of bikes from specific manufacturers, which should be a really interesting twist to the traditional career modes.

You can look for RIDE 3 to launch for PS4, Xbox One and PC starting November 8th. For more info you can visit the official website.

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