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1548080cookie-checkFist Of The North Star: Lost Paradise Had The Manliest Trailer Of E3 2018

Fist Of The North Star: Lost Paradise Had The Manliest Trailer Of E3 2018

While a bunch of the games that were announced, previewed, or demonstrated during E3 aren’t coming out until 2019, Sega surprised everyone by dropping the English trailer for the North American and European release of Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise.

And I’m here to tell you that after all of the toned down, feminist-friendly garbage that was rolled out during E3 from companies who willingly committed soycide, it was nice to watch a trailer stay true to its meat and potato roots, showcasing some of the manliest gameplay action in a trailer put out this year, and it’s likely going down as the manliest trailer of E3 2018. Why? Well, because Kenshiro resolves matters with his fists; he blows people into oblivion with the forbidden arts; he brings his foes into submission with his bare hands; and he creates gib out of his enemies by penetrating them with his fingers; plus, he’s muscular AF.

The upcoming open-world, beat-’em-up game is set to launch on the PlayStation 4 in the West starting October 2nd, 2018, later this year during the fall.

October is going to be a jam-packed month, so it’s one of those things where gamers who are fans of niche titles like Fist of the North Star will likely want to mark their calendars so they don’t forget.

The trailer is filled with violence and gore. It also doesn’t hold back on the foul language, letting gamers know that this isn’t going to be some child’s play nonsense.

The trailer is easily one of the most manly trailers you’ll ever see, and by far the manliest trailer of E3.

Another highlight is that the game will arrive in the West with dual audio. So if you’re a purist who absolutely abhors the defilement that is dubbing, you’ll be able to embrace the true purity of Japanese voiceovers.

The game already came out a while ago in Japan, so if you already played it you’re not missing anything, but if you don’t know how to decipher the ancient moon runes and you would prefer to play with localization support for English, you can look for Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise to launch exclusively this fall on October 2nd, 2018.

And just remember, if you want to support true manliness… you’ll support Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise.

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