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Ys Net Shines Light On Shenmue 3’s AI Battle System

In recent Shenmue 3 news, the crowdfunding campaign for the game has reached $7 million, unlocking the “AI Battling” feature. As it stands now, Shenmue 3 will release sometime in 2019 for PC and PS4.

That’s right, Ys Net has announced that the “AI Battling” system will be implemented in the game, letting players automatically respond to opponent’s positioning and distance.

Research and development (R&D) for this system is based on Yu Suzuki’s concept for players who aren’t used to Shenmue 3′s fighting mechanics or for those who want an “immersive” fighting experience.

In addition to the above, this battle system is said to be “highly compatible” with the current battle system and will be an extension to it, as well.

Shenmue 3 update 1

The update also makes mention that the “Toy Capsule Box Set” limited edition of the game is now available. However, it is only available through website Fangamer.

Shenmue 3 update 2

Moreover, if you’d like to know more about the PC and PS4 physical version, you can read the following notice explaining the situation right here:

PC & PS4 Physical Version Disc Data


“We would like to address the many inquiries concerning the physical version disc data. Development is moving forward to have all necessary data to play the game contained on the disc. Please rest assured that the disc will not be just a prompt for an internet download.


*An internet connection is a planned requirement for the purposes of game updates and reward activation.


That’s the breaking news! The team would again like to thank you all for your wonderful support! See you next update!”

If you don’t know, back in May, publisher Deep Silver and director Yu Suzuki took to a blog post to inform gamers and fans alike why Shenmue 3 for PC and PS4 will release sometime in 2019. While we wait for more Shenmue 3 information to drop, you can read the latest post on the game’s Kickstarter update page through the given link.

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