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Blood Ancestors, First-Person MOBA Is Free-To-Play In Open Alpha On Steam

Spanish studio Snowpeak Studio announced that their first-person MOBA, Blood Ancestors has entered into open alpha right now. The alpha testing is free-to-play ahead of the game’s Early Access run.

Blood Ancestors is a first-person melee MOBA title, where three factions will battle it out in an arena where various characters with different skill traits will attempt to duke it out, kill the enemies, acquire the relic, and win the match.

The game consists of having two teams of five players. You’ll load into the map and you’ll be able to select your hero after joining one of the three factions. There are six character archetypes and 18 different classes that breakdown from the six archetypes. You’re also able to customize the skills of the heroes from three different categories including aggressive, defensive and utility.

It’s hard to see how the classes and all of the meta stats affect the game in any meaningful way when you look at the trailer, but the developers promise that the meta is highly customizable and adds a new layer of depth to the game.

The trailer showcases the different characters using projectiles, swords, shields, and magic attacks to kill opponents and attempt to get a hold of relic. However, before you can get the relic you have to kill enough people so that their blood fills up the meter to unlock the relic.

During the Early Access run there will be three playable maps, but the full release will feature six multiplayer maps.

The developers mentioned that they were inspired by Overwatch, Chivalry and Team Fortress, and you can definitely see the combination of all three of those games at play in Blood Ancestors.

You can check out the game right now, for free, by paying a visit to the Steam store page and downloading the client.

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