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Hidden Layer’s Inmost Atmospheric Platformer Announced

What’s common to a Knight in shining armor, a Creature that eats pain for breakfast and an overly inquisitive Stranger?

Inmost is freakishly grim and absolutely looks the part. No Lovecraft isn’t the primary inspiration but Dizzy, Limbo, To The Moon, Another World and the like are. Connecting the three characters is the morbid tale of a young girl with obvious themes of desolation, suffering and an enigmatic abandoned castle.

The single interweaving story is said to unfurl across two distinct worlds, with the narrative often handing you control over each of the three playable characters of distinct game-play mechanics. Furthermore the two-man development team of Hidden Layer Games claims to have drawn every pixel with love, which it hopes to compensate by having you meticulously explore every corner of the game world.

I say ‘world’ for it turns out that the castle won’t be the only environment you’re confined to, seeing how other one-piece ‘houses’ are hinted at. Either way it seems like you’ll be demanded a considerable amount of wit in solving puzzles, placing/avoiding traps, uncovering secrets and slicing enemies.


Speaking of which the combat sequences previewed in the trailer appear to be of the lightning fast variety, accentuated all the more by what they’re calling volumetric lighting and some frankly fluid animations. Notice the visual effects and chase sequences? Fantastic.

Environmental and creature design proves to be equally brilliant, and this entire bundle is currently being prepped for a 2019 release on Steam with the Chucklefish publishing label slapped on top. The Announcement trailer that is but a few hours old, already has folk for a Nintendo Switch release; no plans of that yet although Hidden Most Games isn’t ruling out the possibility.


Inmost was previously Best Indie Game at the 2017 DevGamm Conference in Minsk and will next be seen at Chuckle’s EGX, Birmingham booth in September. Pick Facebook or Twitter to follow.

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