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The Berserkonaut, Cyborg Monster Hunting Comic Winds Down Crowdfunding On IndieGoGo

Jeff Lafferty’s The Berserkonaut seems to be an experimental, violent comic book that seems to give a head nod to classic comics like The Maxx and 2000AD’s Judge Dredd series. The comic book is currently seeking funds on IndieGoGo, with Lafferty looking for $3,500 to produce and ship out the first issue of the comic and get it into as many shops as possible.

The Berserkonaut is about a renegade cyborg who hunts monsters. He’s like part Punisher, part The Tick, and a small bit of Judge Dredd combined together. You can check out the pitch video below, where Lafferty explains how he plans on getting the comic book into shops and why he needs the funds to bring The Berserkonaut to life.

Lafferty has a storied career in the comic book industry, being prominent back during the 1990s, having worked on Marvel’s X-Men series, Doom 2099, and the Necromantra comics. This was back when Marvel had interesting stories, had standout art with curvaceous babes, and wasn’t all-in on the identity politics.

Lafferty faded from view over the years as DC and Marvel eventually went down the path of identitarianism, and many of the skilled artists, pencilers, and storytellers were run out of the industry by the howling banshees known as Social Justice Warriors.

Much like Jon Malin and Ethan Van Sciver, Jeff Lafferty decided to take his skills to the crowdfunding arena, working on the first issue of the Berskonaut, a cyborg with a complex past, a tendency for violence, and a hunter of monsters.

The Berserkonaut - IndieGoGo

The comic doesn’t take itself too seriously, but at the same time Lafferty also isn’t afraid to get gory and leap off into the deep end. Obviously, the Snowflake Society probably won’t be keen on supporting the comic due to its themes and violence, but I imagine those who have a taste for irreverent action and violence might take a liking to it.

You can learn more about The Berserkonaut by visiting the IndieGoGo page. It has four days left and close to $2,100 to go.

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