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THQ Nordic Says They Like Fan Projects But Will Need To Contact Timesplitters Rewind Devs

Folks interested in TimeSplitters Rewind might be in for a surprise; it’s unclear if THQ Nordic will send out a cease and desist (C&D) or if the company will allow the devs behind Rewind to continue after the acquisition of the Timesplitters franchise on August 15th. What is known is that the founder of THQ Nordic and CEO, Lars Wingefors, is fond of fan projects.

Firstly, thanks to Discord user ASneakyGranny, we learn that Wingefors has responded to numerous queries regarding THQ Nordic and what the company will do to the Timsplitters Rewind project. The response from THQ CEO lies below:

THQ timesplitters

While we wait for the Timesplitters Rewind devs to get in contact with Wingefors and crew, the devs working on the fan project had some things to say on Discord.

Developer and project lead PerfecT™ noted the following:

“As you may have heard, THQ Nordic has acquired Timesplitters IP. Some of you have asked many questions regarding Rewind. We will communicate on the subject in the following days. Please stay tuned.”

In other words, if you are concerned or looking forward to this very project, do know that in a few days or weeks time the devs will provide an update on Rewind’s status.

PerfecT™’s statement was also followed up by developer and department lead DragonCASTjosh. The latter made mention that he and team are in contact with THQ Nordic but would like to have Wingefors’ contact information when replying to ASneakyGranny:

“We are in contact although, can you forward me that contact.”

Given the opening words of Wingefors’ letter might suggest that Rewind could come out unscathed. However, Wingefors and THQ Nordic have to look over the project to see if it’s suitable to stay or by stowed away.

Hopefully, something positive will come out of THQ Nordic owning the Timesplitters franchise and something noteworthy will happen with TimeSplitters Rewind. Until we hear word on what’s to come, what do you think of all of this?

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