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Captive State Trailer Captivates Viewers With Its Invasion Premise

A new trailer for LionsGate’s upcoming invasion flick, Captive State, has managed to capture the attention and interests of YouTube audiences the world around. Instead of diving deep into lurid imagery, or shocking premises, the announcement trailer for Captive State juxtaposes a lot of captivating imagery with promises of peace, stability, and auspices.

In between the calm and collected voice declaring that things are a-okay, we get clips that seem to show otherwise. John Goodman and Vera Farmiga lead the cast of what seems to be a sci-fi invasion flick veiled as some sort of dramatic thriller.

The minute and a half trailer led plenty of people to initially believe that it was another Purge film, but it turns out that there’s something a little more sinister going on and it might be from out of this world. You can check out the trailer below courtesy of Movieclips Trailers.

The Focus Pictures production throws a few hints and teases at the audience about what’s to come. The first giveaway is the shot of the armed forces all carrying modified assault rifles with grenade launchers, as if they’re preparing for an all-out assault. There’s also the clips of the dog looking up into the sky as three unidentified objects hurtle toward the Earth. There’s also the clip of the black kid who sees some other obstructions in the distance while an odd looking ship encircles the area. And finally, there’s the closing segment of the trailer where over the public announce system the crowd is told to rise to greet their legislature, which closes off with a giant, ominous shadow of some sort of craft hovering over the football field.

I’m not really sure what’s entirely going on but it reminds me a little bit of Neill Blomkamp’s Rakka.

A subdued and restrained invasion flick would be pretty cool, especially taken from a more grounded and realistic perspective, assuming that’s what Captive State is actually about.

A lot of people in the comment section compared it to Cloverfield but that’s a property owned by Paramount and produced by Bad Robot, so we’re far outside of that realm with Captive State.

Nevertheless, it’s an interesting looking premise and if they can pull off the final film to be as captivating as the debut trailer then it might be worth adding to the cult classic hall of fame.

You can look for Captive State to make its way into theaters starting in March of 2019.

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