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Devil May Cry 5’s Devil Breakers And Gameplay Showcased

Folks who enjoy Capcom’s Devil May Cry series will find that said company is making a fifth installment. The upcoming game is set to come out early 2019 for PC and home consoles, but you can get an early look at Devil May Cry 5 thanks to two videos revealing in-game footage of its PAX West 2018 showing.

The overall PAX West video of DMC5 runs close to an hour in length. The video covers quite a bit of gameplay features that can be actuated in the game — that may or may not change since the title is a year out from public consumption — giving viewers a glimpse of optional content in the upcoming title.

The showing also listed seven of the game’s eight Devil Breakers that protagonist Nero can wield as “handy” weapons. The Devil Breakers showcased range from the Overture, Gerbera, Punch Line, Tomboy, Ragtime, Helter Skelter, and Rawhide.

If all of that sounds interesting, you can see a trimmed down version of the PAX West event that explores DMC5 Devil Breakers right here thanks to YouTuber BlackBelt Gaming:

The next video is a longer version of the above video that’s by the same YouTuber, BlackBelt Gaming, showing the full DMC5 PAX West 2018 live stream:

If you don’t know, during E3 2018 the director of Devil May Cry 5, Hideaki Itsuno, expressed his confidence in the works put into the game saying that he’s “confident” it will “exceed expectations.”

Now that actual gameplay is up, you can be the judge if Devil May Cry 5 looks like it will exceed expectations or not.

Seeing that Devil May Cry 5 is a year out from releasing to the public, I’m sure Capcom and crew will have various trailers to supplement potential buyers before the game’s March 8th debut.

With all of that said, you can look for Devil May Cry 5 to hit the games market early next year on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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