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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice New Trailer Briefly Shows Off Combat And Bosses

Activision and FromSoftware’s Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has a new Tokyo Game Show trailer out, offering players a glimpse at brief sword combat and the giant bosses that will be in the game. Sekiro will make its debut across PC, PS4, and Xbox One on March 22nd, 2019.

If you don’t know, some gamers are worried since Activision will be publishing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Although Hidetaka Miyazaki claims that said publisher has no input on actual gameplay or other mechanics like egregious DLC/MTX practices per se, we’ll have to wait and see what’s announced later down the line and what’s introduced during Sekiro’s life-span next year.

Anyway, to supplement curious fans during the long wait, a new video has been released that stands as Sekiro’s Tokyo Game Show trailer which shows off familiar footage shown at E3 and Gamescom 2018. If, however, you plan to look over parry moves, giant bosses, and other in-game stuff, I think the following trailer has you covered.

Without further ado, you can check out the two-minute long trailer right here thanks to Sekirothegame‘s YouTube channel:

“Carve your own clever path to vengeance in an all-new adventure from developer FromSoftware, creators of the Dark Souls series. Take Revenge. Restore your honor. Kill Ingeniously.”

As of right now, we know that Sekiro is an action-adventure game without stats or classes and that there are different weapons and abilities to master. The game can be very hard if you rush through it, but if you take your time and learn the enemies and explore the world, the game can be rewarding.

Sekiro: Shadows Dice Twice will cost $59.99, and is slated to come out early next year. According to the memo sent out, Activision and FromSoftware plan to ship the game on PC via Steam, PS4, and Xbox One on March 22nd, 2019.

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