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Fractured Space Development Support Is Ending

Edge Case Games announced that it’s shutting down Fractured Space. Cash shop purchases are being brought to cessation while the U.K., based studio begins to move away from the game and pursue other projects.

James Brooksby, CEO of Edge Case Games, commented in the press release about Fractured Space shutting down, saying…

“It’s been an amazing and emotional journey. Edge Case Games would not be anywhere without its incredible players – you have been awesome. We thank you for all your support and some fantastic memories we will hold dear for the rest of our lives. And, remember; we always had Gamma…”

The free-to-play MOBA originally released back in the middle of 2016 to a lot of positive feedback from gamers. It featured space-sim style maneuverability, but the tactical arenas and gameplay were centered around teamwork and utilizing the different ship abilities to take down your foes.

Visually the game had a very unique look to it, with highly detailed spaceships and massive ship battles somewhat similar to EVE Online.

It seems strange that the game is shutting down all of a sudden because just last month in September the developer issued an update on hotfixing some issues and updating some quality of life features.

Apparently that’s all coming to an end, however, as Edge Case Games will be calling it quits and shutting down development for the unique PvP combat sim.

They don’t necessarily say what exactly caused the downturn or if it was due to being bought out or something other issue, but Fractured Space will still be free-to-play on Steam.

Given that this is one of many games that will be lost to time, if you had any inkling or itch to check out the gameplay and put in some time for yourself before it closes up shop for good, now might be the time to do so.

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