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Star Citizen’s Squadron 42 Developmental Roadmap Won’t Reveal Story Spoilers

With CitizenCon having wrapped up and RSI revealed some new footage of Squadron 42 and some of the new features set to arrive in alpha version 3.3.5, the latest episode of Around the Verse covered recapped a lot of the content from CitizenCon.

One of the things they talked about was how a lot of gamers were excited about Squadron 42, but that when they reveal the roadmap for development of Squadron 42 in December they won’t be giving away any of the single-player story content. So they’re being very cautious about what will go into the roadmap and how it will be displayed for the public so that there won’t be any spoilers and the game’s single-player content won’t be ruined for anyone.

You can check out the episode below.

In addition to the recap of CitizenCon there was also the revelation that each of the panel discussions that took place during CitizenCon will be uploaded for public consumption on the YouTube channel, which includes a look at the game’s overhauled flight model set to make its way into future iterations of the alpha, as well as the roadmap for future releases.

If you were interested in what sort of changes are coming down the pipeline for the flight model, there’s a 45 minute video you can check out below, which covers a lot of the core concepts of what will be changed, updated, modified and tweaked as the Star Citizen persistent universe continues to grow and expand.

The flight model is slowly being evolved over time so that every ship in the game will behave differently depending on the atmosphere, so that ships adapt to the gravity of the planet and also adapt to the vacuum of space. With the new dynamic ship control systems, the team has wanted to overhaul the flight model so that it feels more realistic according to the size, power capabilities, and maneuverability of the ship.

There’s also a new video for the new Kraken capital carrier ship that was unveiled at CitizenCon. The Kraken is a massive, massive ship that will house many of the other ships in the game. As mentioned, it’s a capital ship so it’s large enough to be its all little planet.

You can check out the teaser trailer for the Kraken right now.

There wasn’t a whole lot of new information revealed for the current (or upcoming) builds of Star Citizen, but the episode did lay down a lot of the groundwork for what you can expect in the upcoming builds of Star Citizen.

You can keep track of the development of the game by checking out the developmental roadmap over on the official website. Alpha 3.3.0 is currently available right now for Star Citizen backers.

Star Citizen - Mark Hamill

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